A Pain in the Achilles

A Pain in the Achilles

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A Pain in the Achilles

The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the body, connecting the calf muscles to their insertion on the heel bone, or calcaneus. Achilles tendinitis is a common overuse injury in sport. It can be a killjoy – it affects walking, hiking and many sporting activities.

Pain in the rearfoot can arise from several sources – the most common site is in the mid-portion of the tendon, or at its insertion point at the heel. Classically, the tendon becomes thickened, stiff and very tender to touch. Other conditions that can cause pain in this region are bursitis, and rarely – a neuroma in the nerve that runs along the inside of the tendon.
The term “Achilles tendinitis” is somewhat misleading, “itis” meaning inflammation. Often, the tendon’s cellular make-up is degraded, and the more accurate term would be “tendonosis”, or “tendinopathy”. This is why anti-inflammatory medications often don’t work – as the underlying problem may not be inflammation.

There are several factors that predispose to Achilles tendinopathy: years of running (runners have a 30 times greater risk of tendinopathy), a recent change or poor choice of footwear, excessive calf tightness or calf weakness, and most commonly – a sudden increase in activity, such as speed, distance or volume of uphill running. Non-runners can develop Achilles pain – some have feet that pronate excessively. In over-pronators, a whipping motion of the heel is created which produces strain in the mid-portion of the Achilles tendon.

Your physiotherapist can provide several different treatment options for Achilles tendinopathy. These vary according to the location of the lesion and whether the condition is acute or chronic. A physiotherapy assessment is helpful to identify whether there are biomechanical factors that have contributed to the problem. It is important to rule out a partial tear – which may require a diagnostic ultrasound to determine.

An eccentric heel drop program works very well with chronic tendinopathy in the mid-third of the Achilles tendon. This is a graded exercise protocol. The heel is lowered over the edge of a step repeatedly, one set with the knee flexed, another with the knee straight. The volume of repetitions and speed are increased over time, generally 6-8 weeks.

Therapeutic ultrasound, and friction massage, performed by your physiotherapist, can help. Both provide an increase in the volume of collagen, an important component of tendon tissue. If tight areas in the calf muscles are found, massage, acupuncture and soft tissue release can help. Other issues in the rearfoot, such as a stiff subtalar joint (just above the heel) can be mobilized to help improve shock absorption. In some cases, a temporary slight heel lift can provide short-term relief. Kinesiotape, a one-way stretch tape applied along the tendon and margins of the calf muscle often provides immediate reduction in pain as the tendon is repairing. Relative rest and a change in training patterns for runners is critical in many cases to allow the cells in the tendon to repair and regenerate.

In cases where the tendon problems don’t respond to conservative therapy, there are other medical options available.

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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BODY ROLLING: A new way to enhance flexibility and well being.

BODY ROLLING: A new way to enhance flexibility and well being.

Physiotherapy » Posts Tagged "physiotherapist" (Page 2)

BODY ROLLING: A new way to enhance flexibility and well being.

How often do you get a tight area in your back that you’d love to get rid of? Or a tense band in your buttock or hamstring that has plagued you for weeks?
Have you noticed that your shoulders round forward, and you’re tight across the back of your shoulders?
The nagging tight spots we feel can be the result of restricted mobility or adhesions in fascia, the elastic web of connective tissue that surrounds and connects muscles.

There is a technique to improve flexibility that is easy, inexpensive and works extremely well in conjunction with stretching to improve myofascial mobility. It’s called Body Rolling, and it’s a powerful self-treatment tool using a firm 5” diameter ball. It is similar to using foam rollers, which are popular in gyms. Because of its size and compressibility, it is useful in areas other tools can’t reach.

Body Rolling techniques combine the relaxing effects of massage with the toning effects of exercise. Working with your own body weight, the exercises ease movement by loosening the muscles and their surrounding fascia, with the benefits of a deep self-massage. It can take as little as 10 minutes to work a specific area, and you can do it at your convenience. Working an entire region or chain of muscles gives the best results, since fascia is connected in long tracts that can span more than one joint.

The techniques of Body Rolling can: free adhesions in the connective tissue sheath that wraps around muscles and lies between muscle fibres; help muscles lengthen; improve muscle flexibility and tone thereby improving range of motion and shock absorption in the joints; improve circulation; and assist in correction of faulty posture

People with an active lifestyle often come in to see a physiotherapist with unexplained pain in a muscle, tendon or joint. Physiotherapists look at posture, movement and perform selective tissue tension testing to determine the problem. As a physiotherapist, I use many tools, such as manual therapy, exercise and soft tissue releases to improve freedom of movement.

With exercise that is highly repetitive in nature such as running, cycling, rowing, racquet sports, fascia surrounding the working muscles tends to be loaded in one direction and can subsequently shorten. Movement patterns and normal posture can be altered, which can lead to injury and pain. Learning to use Body Rolling, and stretching along planes of movement, rather than spot-treating tight areas can free things up most effectively.

People working at a desk job every day tend to develop shortening in certain muscle groups– typically the pectoral muscles, the hip flexors, and the hamstring muscles. Over time, this can result in adaptive shortening. The price tag of a desk job can be poor posture, aches and pains at the end of the workday. Activity breaks and Body Rolling can help.

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow – you don’t need to play tennis to get it!

Tennis elbow is so called as one of the reasons you can get it is from faulty technique in a tennis shot. This is only one of the ways that you can get tennis elbow though, it can come on from many other activities that involve a lot of wrist and forearm use.

The medical name for this condition, lateral epicondylitis, gives us more information about where the problem occurs. The lateral epicondyle is a small bony prominence on the outside of the elbow and is the point of attachment for the tendons of the wrist extensor muscles. These muscles run up the top of the forearm and play a role in movements such as bending the wrist back, making a fist, and twisting the forearm.

Lateral epicondylitis occurs if these muscles are used more than they are used to, resulting in pain and damage to the tendon where it attaches onto the bone at the lateral epicondyle. If you have tennis elbow, you will likely report an increase in pain when gripping tightly or shaking hands, using a screwdriver or twisting a jar, or any activity that requires wrist and hand use. The outside of the elbow can be very sensitive to touch, and you may find it will get very stiff, especially first thing in the morning.

In order to treat tennis elbow, it is important to identify the reason why it became injured in the first place and correct that. Apart from stopping the aggravating activity, there are often other contributing factors that need to be changed in each individual case. These can be related to our own anatomy in the elbow and arm, movement patterns which are overloading and therefore damaging the tendon, or factors relating to the equipment being used.

A physiotherapist can identify the changes that need to be made in each individual case and implement these. As well as this there is specific treatment that can be done to the tendon to ensure optimal healing such as friction massage and laser, and a stretching and strengthening program should be implemented too to ensure the muscles and tendons are in good shape to be able to cope comfortably with being used in the future.

So even if you don’t play tennis, you can still be affected by tennis elbow. Taking the right action will take your pain away.

Don’t take a holiday from good low back posture.

Don’t take a holiday from good low back posture.

Don’t take a holiday from good low back posture.

Trains, planes and car rides to visit friends and family; sitting down for a big turkey meal; sledding or hitting up the ski hill on snowy days; lounging around on Christmas morning admiring the tree and wrapped presents – this all sounds like a perfect holiday. While it is a wonderful combination for good times and many smiles, it unfortunately for some can also be a perfect recipe for a sore back. Something that all of those activities listed above have in common is a forward bent – or ‘flexed’ – position of the low back.

With normal standing posture, the low back has a slight curve, which is known as ‘lordosis’. When we bend forward or sit, we lose the lordosis and our lumbar spine – the low back – goes into flexion.  Spending too much time flexed, or performing heavy tasks in this position, can put a strain onto the lumbar discs. The ‘intervertebral disc’ is a structure that sits between adjacent vertebrae in the spine. It is composed of a tough, fibrous periphery with a gel-like nucleus in the centre. Repetitive or sustained flexion, as well as heavy lifts or bends, can injure the disc by causing tears in the fibrous rings. When this occurs, the gelatinous nucleus can bulge into the tear. In more severe cases, the gel can even push outside of the disc. It is most common for injury to occur in the back of the disc rather than the front.

To visualize what happens, imagine a jelly donut, where the dough is the fibrous outside of the disc, and the filling is the nucleus. Line up the hole that was used to fill the donut as being at the back/side of the imaginary spine. If you push on the front of the donut, the jelly will squeeze out toward the back, and can even push out of the donut (which would be the case in severe injury, or ‘prolapse’).  Forward bending is similar to this – there is an increased pressure on the front, and a suction force at the back, causing the gelatinous nucleus to move posteriorly if the fibrous rings are not holding it in place. Even with just an outward bulging of the disc (so, the jelly in the donut has moved but hasn’t escaped through the hole) can cause inflammation, and irritation of surrounding tissues, including nerves.

There are several strategies that can be used to help in the prevention of lumbar disc injuries. A few are:

  • Use a firmly rolled towel, or a ‘lumbar roll’, in the curve of your low back if sitting. It is helpful to keep one in your vehicle
  • Avoid the slumped position when sitting. A lumbar roll helps with this, as does your leg posture. Having your hips and knees in a deep bend, such as in a low chair, increases the forward bend in your back
  • Take standing and walking breaks when traveling, or during long meals
  • Stay flexible – tight hamstrings (backs of the thighs) in particular can have an effect on low back posture
  • Keep a strong core to help support your back during activities. This doesn’t necessarily mean doing crunches or sit-ups, but exercises that target the deep core muscles
  • During the post-holiday clean-up, avoid stooping to bend down to pick things up. Instead, bend your knees and hips to get into a good squat position. It’s a good way to exercise your legs, too!

Even with taking precautions, injuries can occur either with a single incident or over time. When this is the case and you notice you are having back pain, it is important to seek care from a health provider. Lumbar disc injuries, along with other causes of low back pain, can often be treated conservatively (meaning, non-operatively).  It is important to note that not all back pain is due to disc injury. A physiotherapist can help to determine what structure may be causing your pain, and give you appropriate exercises, stretches, hands-on treatment, and strategies for management, specific to your injury.

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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The winter Olympics in Sochi was filled with scary crashes in nearly every sport. Hearts sank when seeing chances at a medal slip, the pain on the athletes’ faces, and some of the injuries that resulted. We probably all know someone who has, or have ourselves, taken a big spill at the local hill.

But that’s not the only place where falls can occur, especially during this time of year with the fluctuating melt and freeze of roads and walkways. Slips and trips can happen in the community, even in our own homes, for a variety of reasons. Sometimes we can walk away from them with little injury, other than to our pride, but unfortunately sometimes injuries occur.  In order to avoid beginning the spring season hurt, it’s good to know what the risk factors to falls are and to address any concerns that may exist.

Some readers may recall a previous article I wrote about vertigo– a condition that makes you feel like you or the world is spinning. This or other conditions of the vestibular system can contribute to feeling dizzy or losing your balance. The vestibular system is partially located in the inner ear, and gives our brain information about where our head is relative to gravity. When it is affected, a conflict of information between the vestibular system and other sensory systems happens. Some related conditions include: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (“BPPV”), labryinthitis or neuritis (types of infections), or Ménière’s disease. This in turn may cause vertigo, dizziness, or unsteadiness. Some of the causes of vertigo or dizziness can be treated to help you feel more stable on your feet.

Weaknesses in the legs or trunk, sensory conditions of the feet, or decreased ‘proprioception’ (the information about where a body part is relative to the rest of the body) are other risk factors for falling. Proprioception, balance, and strength can be trained through regular exercise. Tai Chi and Yoga are examples of programs that assist in reducing fall risk. However some people require exercises tailored to their individual abilities and needs. It is important to evaluate whether a particular exercise is safe and appropriate for you. Having an understanding of the exercise and of your own abilities is helpful, but when in doubt, it is helpful to consult a health care provider, or discuss with the instructor.

Risk factors for falling don’t only exist within our bodies, but also in our environment. It’s important to note that while the temperatures have been going above freezing, those cold nights and days can result in a layer of ice. Slowing your pace over these areas, wearing proper footwear, and always being aware of the conditions will help. Within your home, having adequate lighting, keeping the floors and hallways clear of obstacles, and keeping rugs or carpets secured down will also reduce your chances of tripping.

With the example of the Olympic sports of skiing, snowboarding and skating, big falls occur frequently. It’s not often a case of needing to address strength or balance, and rarely is the environment controllable. For these activities, it’s important to protect yourself as much as possible. Wrist guards are light, can fit under gloves, aimed at reducing the risk of a facture when impacting the ground. A common injury with falling is the FOOSH – a ‘Fall Onto an Outstretched Hand’. A brace will keep your wrist in an ideal position and can absorb some of the force to reduce, but not eliminate, the likelihood of a wrist fracture. If you ski, braces also exist to protect the thumb, which can be injured by the ski pole.

If you feel you are at risk of falls, or have an injury after taking one, it is important to see a health care professional to either assist in the prevention of, or in the rehabilitation after, a slip. Reducing the risk can be easy in some situations: adjusting your footwear, modifying your gait aid if you use one (for example, attaching an ice grip onto a cane), making changes to your home environment, or partaking in a strength and balance program designed for your needs. In some cases, dizziness or lightheadedness occurs as a side-effect from medication, so speaking to your doctor may help. From a physiotherapy context, your strength, balance, vestibular function, or any combination of those factors can be assessed and treated as is appropriate for you.